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Join date: May 12, 2022


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References External links Category:1946 films Category:1940s war drama films Category:German war drama films Category:Films of Nazi Germany Category:German films Category:German-language films Category:German black-and-white films Category:Films directed by Robert Siodmak Category:Films set in Germany Category:Films set in 1943 Category:Films about the Warsaw Uprising Category:Films scored by Hans Jürgen Kiepenheuer Category:Films about Nazi war crimes The Go Home Core is one of the three new classes in League of Legends. It's a relatively straightforward fighter that can be played in three ways. ▶ 1v1: This is the highest level of play for the Go Home Core. In it, each hero must fight alone against the other. It's relatively easy to teach, but also ridiculously fast. ▶ 2v2: This is the standard team fight and can be played as a single team. ▶ 3v3: As the name suggests, this is the most common mode of play, and it can be played between 2 teams. Other roles ▶ Headhunter: This is the mercenary and assassin type of unit. A Headhunter is difficult to play, but when they succeed, they can wreak havoc. ▶ Ranged: These units have ranged abilities. They include: Q - Rocket Grab, W - Fear ▶ Melee: These units have melee abilities. They include: E - Grapple, R - Riposte, W - Bound Enemy ▶ Support: Support is split into different categories: Utility and Tank. ▶ Utility: Commonly includes summoners like Raven, Linkens, Mikael and Maokai. ▶ Tank: These units are able to soak a large amount of damage before dying. An example is Braum. ▶ Initiator: These units are heroes that use their ultimates to initiate fights. They include Malphite, Leona, Ryze, etc. ▶ Jungler: These units are heroes that apply pressure to the map. They include Ryze, Twitch, Leona and etc. ▶ Tank-Jungle: These units are heroes that use their ultimates to deal



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